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How to Harness the Anti Aging Properties of Stem Cells: A Complete Skincare Guide

Stem cells: An anti-aging holy grail or just another skincare fad? We answer that and more in this complete guide to the anti-aging properties of stem cells.

It’s no secret the beauty industry focuses on anti-aging treatments like topical skincare, procedures, and treatments. But here’s the kicker: the appearance of your skin is a result of what’s happening beneath the surface. 

With age, our cells turn over and replicate less, leading to visible signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. SPF can shield from the sun and topical skincare can help, but it can only go skin deep.

Could anti aging stem cell treatments be the next secret weapon to slow down the clock on aging? There is no magical cure for aging, but evidence shows there are anti-aging benefits of stem cells, which your skincare besties at Forever Beaumore will explore in this article.


What are Stem Cells? 

Stem cells are located in the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. They serve specific tasks like replicating and creating sub cells that live in places like the blood, heart, brain, and skin. These aren’t your average cells in that they are specifically devoted to repairing damaged functions in your organs and tissues.

Because they divide and replicate, stem cells have been used in all branches of health and wellness, including bone marrow transplants, treating genetic defects and arthritis, and fostering tissue regeneration. 

For example, these stem cells can be injected into patients with certain blood cancers to regenerate damaged tissues.

But what are the healing properties of stem cells?


How Stem Cells Can Help Reduce Signs of Aging

Stem cells have proven to be a groundbreaking solution to various ailments. This is because they secrete anti-inflammatory and anti-aging components. Aging inhibits our body’s ability to regenerate cells as well as they did when we were younger.

If you’re in your thirties or older, you may have noticed less skin elasticity and more wrinkles. This is completely natural as our cells divide and die over time, without an abundance of new cells to replace them. 

Stem cells are unique in that they can regenerate into new cells that target specific problem areas. Studies show that stem cell transplants and treatments can accelerate regeneration of damaged or lost tissue (1).

This is especially beneficial in slowing down the signs of aging because we lose tens of thousands of skin cells each minute (2). As a result of this natural cellular die off, our DNA telomeres (the protective end caps of our chromosomes) shorten. 

So, what does all this science equate to? On your complexion, it can show up as:

  • Inflammation

  • Loss of skin elasticity

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Skin sagging

The good news? Stem cells answer the call to produce new skin cells with no compromise to telomere length. In other words: stem cells swoop in and save the day.


7 Benefits of Anti Aging Stem Cell Treatments

We’ve covered what happens when cells die (we experience more signs of aging). Conversely, when stem cells regenerate and help to repair these aging cells, we experience a swath of anti aging benefits, including:

  1. Reduced inflammation

  2. Regenerated new tissue

  3. Enhanced ability to repair tissues, cells, and organs naturally

  4. A supported immune system

  5. Protection against oxidative stress caused by environmental triggers and pollutants (which can invite accelerated signs of aging)

  6. Improved quality and appearance of skin and hair

  7. Increased mobility, strength, and stamina

The innovation of anti-aging stem cell treatments has rightfully turned heads in the beauty and wellness spheres. Because unlike many anti-aging fads, stem cells are essentially using your body’s natural function to repair cells in concentrated areas. So, it’s a biological win-win.

What are the best ways to harness this potent cellular healing powerhouse? There are many therapies, treatments, and infusions available. However, a simple adjustment to your skincare routine can invite the benefits of stem cells without any invasive procedures.


3 Step Anti-Aging Stem Cell Skincare Routine

You can do everything right for your skin: eat a healthy, balanced diet, follow your skincare routine religiously, wear SPF, and minimize stress triggers. 

While all of these external solutions serve their purpose, damaged skin cells only replenish internally. This means they need an activator to call stem cells to action so they can get to work dividing and regrowing – and giving you that external glow you crave.

So, what is the best stem cell treatment for anti-aging? Skincare that signals stem cells to do what they do best.

Step 1: Use a Gentle, Anti-Aging Cleanser

To ensure this anti-aging stem cell treatment can penetrate beneath the skin’s surface, use a skin cleanser like our Age Defense Cleansing Mousse. This gentle cleanser clarifies and smoothens skin, priming it for the next step in your skincare routine (without stripping away precious moisture).

Step 2: Apply a Stem-Cell Serum

Stem cell skin care works topically to help activate skin cells beneath the surface. For example, our intensive Stem-C serum is a specialized formula that leverages powerful Plant Stem Cell technology to prompt skin cells to rebuild and regenerate.

This unique anti-aging treatment enhances skin elasticity while stimulating collagen production as stem cells divide and regenerate. Simply apply two pumps of this powerful serum to your fingertips and massage into clean skin.

Step 3: Lock in Moisture with Collagen

The final step to experience the full benefits of the anti-aging properties of stem cells is to polish off your skincare routine with a collagen-based emollient moisturizer, like our fan favorite Collagen Beauty Cream.


Experience Innovate Solutions for Gorgeous Skin with Forever Beaumore

Ready to reap the full benefits of anti-aging stem cell treatments? Then it’s time to level up your skincare routine with high-quality, time-honored solutions you can trust.

Browse Forever Beaumore's line of anti-aging skincare solutions to embrace your skin at every age! 


  1. El Assaad N, Chebly A, Salame R, Achkar R, Bou Atme N, Akouch K, Rafoul P, Hanna C, Abou Zeid S, Ghosn M, Khalil C. Anti-aging based on stem cell therapy: A scoping review. World J Exp Med. 2024 Sep 20;14(3):97233. doi: 10.5493/wjem.v14.i3.97233. PMID: 39312703; PMCID: PMC11372738.

  2. DeMaio, K. B. (2023, July 11). 10 Surprising things about your skin. The Skin Cancer Foundation.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products recommended in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Talk to your doctor before use if you have a medical condition, are pregnant, or are nursing.

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