With 2022 rapidly approaching, we’ve been busier than ever. It seems like the world is back to pre-covid levels of activity while still dealing with a rampant pandemic. People seem to be stressed, overworked, and very tired. With all that in mind, we wanted to shift the focus onto what we’re grateful for - because we have so much to celebrate, even now. So here is the list of what the embody team is most grateful for this year - let us know what you’re thankful for! Leave a comment or tag @thisisembody on all socials.

In honor of 2022, here are 22 things we’re grateful for:
- Oat milk matchas
- Those coiled hair elastics that hold your hair so well without pulling
- Pens that glide just right
- All our new gummies! We added 3 new gummies to the family this year: ACV, S.O.S., and Superfruit Glow
- Friends who gas you up to send that text
- Sick and mental health days off - for when we just need a break
- Wine glasses that hold a whole bottle of wine
- Patient and understanding customers
- Tiktoks of baby animals
- The gorgeous new wallpaper in our office
- Henry Cavill’s butt in The Witcher
- The magic of Christmas
- Trader Joe’s snack selection
- Sweaters for dogs
- Having an office to work in! (We love working from home but we also really love getting to see our teammates regularly)
- Warm morning snuggles with our pets
- Those really big towels that make us feel small
- Sidecar Donuts in Costa Mesa
- The Moulin Rouge soundtrack
- Postal carrier workers
- The return of yoga pants (We refuse to call them flared leggings)
- Our C.O.O's husband, Greg, who provides emotional support to the entire team
But most of all, we’re grateful for you! We wouldn’t be here without our lovely supporters (aka YOU), and we’re so thankful for you each and every day. Thank you for sticking with us through the last year and a half!
(And yes, we realize this was technically 23 things. But we love them all so much we couldn't leave a single one off)
What are your favorites? And what are you grateful for? Leave a comment or tag @thisisembody on all socials!