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Autumn Skin Care: Tips for Keeping Your Skin Hydrated and Healthy

As the vibrant hues of autumn foliage emerge, so do changes in the climate that can impact your skin. The drop in humidity, cooler temperatures, and gusty winds can lead to dryness and discomfort, leaving your skin thirsty for hydration. Transitioning your skincare routine to adapt to the autumn season is essential for maintaining a healthy, glowing complexion.

So, we will be guiding you through the changes your skin may experience during autumn, offering expert tips on keeping your skin hydrated and nourished as the weather cools. 

Understanding Autumn’s Impact on Your Skin

With the onset of autumn, the air becomes crisper, and humidity levels drop. While this makes for beautiful, brisk days, it also means that the moisture levels in the air are reduced, which can lead to dry, tight skin. The skin's natural oils may not be as effective at locking in moisture, resulting in dehydration, flakiness, and sometimes even breakouts or itchy, irritated skin.

The most common concerns when dealing with autumn weather as it pertains to your skin are: 

  1. Dryness and Flaking: The cooler, drier air can lead to skin that feels dry and rough, with visible flakiness in more sensitive areas like the cheeks and around the nose.
  2. Sensitivity: Wind and changing temperatures can make the skin more sensitive, leading to redness and irritation.
  3. Dullness: Without adequate hydration, the skin can lose its natural glow, leaving it looking dull and tired.
  4. Chapped Lips: The delicate skin on the lips can become easily chapped due to the dry air, leading to discomfort.

Understanding these seasonal changes is key to tailoring your skincare routine to protect and nourish your skin as autumn unfolds.

Adjusting Your Skincare Routine for Cooler Weather

There are some ways for which you can tailor your skincare regimen to the cooler fall weather, like: 

  1. Switching to a Hydrating Cleanser: As the weather cools, it's important to swap out lightweight summer cleansers for more nourishing and hydrating formulas. Gentle, creamy cleansers help maintain your skin's moisture barrier while effectively removing impurities without stripping away essential oils.
  2. Adding Layers of Hydration: Autumn calls for a multi-layered approach to hydration. Studies suggest that using hydrating serums, such as those containing hyaluronic acid, can support the skin’s ability to retain moisture. After applying a hydrating serum, follow with a rich moisturizer to seal in hydration.
  3. Using a Thicker Moisturizer: In autumn, your skin may benefit from using a thicker moisturizer. Look for products rich in emollients like shea butter or oils, which help lock in moisture and provide a protective barrier against harsh environmental conditions. These ingredients are traditionally known for their role in deeply nourishing and hydrating the skin.
  4. Not Forgetting the Sunscreen: Even though the sun may feel less intense in autumn, UV rays are still present and can contribute to skin damage. Studies suggest that wearing sunscreen year-round may support skin health by protecting it from cumulative sun exposure.

Key Ingredients for Autumn Skin Hydration

Of course, ingredients matter tremendous, as in this case, there are certain ones you want to use, such as:  

  1. Hyaluronic Acid: A Hydration Powerhouse - Hyaluronic acid is a popular ingredient in autumn skincare routines for its ability to draw moisture into the skin. Known for its role in holding up to 1,000 times its weight in water, hyaluronic acid helps plump and hydrate the skin, making it an essential part of any autumn skincare regimen.
  2. Squalane: Lightweight Yet Effective Hydration - Traditionally used in beauty routines for its ability to mimic the skin's natural oils, squalane provides lightweight hydration without clogging pores. It’s particularly beneficial in autumn when the skin needs extra moisture without feeling greasy.
  3. Shea Butter: Deeply Nourishing Moisture - Shea butter, traditionally used in African skincare practices, is known for its rich, emollient texture. It can provide deep hydration and protect the skin from harsh autumn winds by creating a barrier that locks in moisture.
  4. Ceramides: Reinforcing the Skin’s Barrier - Ceramides are lipids that naturally occur in the skin and help maintain its moisture barrier. Studies suggest that products containing ceramides may support the skin’s ability to retain moisture, making them ideal for autumn use when dryness is more prevalent.
  5. Glycerin: A Humectant for Long-Lasting Hydration - Glycerin is a humectant that helps draw moisture from the environment into the skin, providing long-lasting hydration. It’s an effective ingredient to look for in autumn skincare products to keep your skin soft and hydrated.

The Importance of Moisturizing: How and When to Moisturize

Start your day with a hydrating serum followed by a rich moisturizer. This will help replenish any moisture lost overnight and provide a protective barrier against the dry autumn air. Studies suggest that applying moisturizers while the skin is slightly damp may help lock in hydration more effectively.

Nighttime is also the perfect opportunity to use more intense moisturizing products. A heavier cream or oil can provide long-lasting hydration and allow your skin to repair itself overnight, ensuring it feels soft and refreshed by morning.

In addition to moisturizing your face, don’t forget to pay attention to other areas prone to dryness, such as your hands, elbows, and knees. Using hand creams and body butters with ingredients like shea butter or squalane can help keep these areas hydrated.

Protecting Your Skin from Environmental Stressors

There are certain environmental stressors during the autumn season that can impact your skin, so here what you need to know:

  1. Shielding Your Skin from Wind and Cold: Autumn brings cool winds that can strip the skin of its natural moisture, leaving it dry and irritated. To protect your skin from the elements, consider wearing scarves and gloves to shield your face and hands when outdoors.
  2. Humidifiers for Indoor Hydration: Indoor heating systems, while keeping your home warm, can also dry out the air and your skin. Using a humidifier can help add moisture back into the air, supporting your skin’s hydration levels as you spend more time indoors during autumn.
  3. Opt for Gentle Exfoliation: While it’s important to exfoliate to remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresh complexion, over-exfoliating can strip your skin of its natural oils, especially in autumn. Gentle exfoliators that contain enzymes or mild acids, traditionally used for their exfoliating properties, are ideal for maintaining smooth skin without causing dryness.

Nourishing Your Skin from Within: Hydration and Diet

Drinking plenty of water is essential for keeping your skin hydrated from within. While it can be easy to forget to drink water in cooler months, staying hydrated is just as important in autumn as it is in summer. Studies suggest that adequate hydration supports overall skin health, helping it appear plumper and more radiant.

Also, omega-3 fatty acids, traditionally found in foods like salmon, chia seeds, and walnuts, are known for their role in supporting skin health by helping maintain the skin’s natural barrier. Including these foods in your autumn diet may help your skin retain moisture and stay nourished.

Let’s not forget, antioxidants are essential for protecting the skin from environmental damage. Eating foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes, may help support your skin’s natural defenses and promote a healthy, glowing complexion throughout the autumn season.

5 Forever Beaumore Skincare Products You Can Try as Part of Your Autumn Skin Care Routine

Here at Forever Beaumore, we offer a range of skincare products designed to support your skin’s needs during this seasonal shift. By incorporating some of the many products we’ll be covering here into your daily routine, you can ensure your skin remains nourished and protected throughout the fall months.

Autumn Skincare Product Recommendation #5: One & Done Oil Cleanser

One & Done Oil Cleanser is an ideal cleanser to incorporate into your autumn skincare routine. This oil-based formula gently removes makeup, dirt, and excess oil without stripping your skin’s natural moisture, which is especially important in the drying autumn air.

Supports: This cleanser supports the skin's natural moisture barrier by effectively removing impurities while leaving behind essential oils that help retain moisture. This is particularly crucial in autumn when the skin is more prone to dryness.

Promotes: It promotes smoother, softer skin by nourishing it during the cleansing process, helping to maintain hydration and prevent dryness. The cleanser also promotes a healthy glow by removing dull, dead skin cells that can accumulate during the cooler months.

How To Use: Massage the One & Done Oil Cleanser onto dry skin, dissolving makeup and impurities, then rinse with warm water. Incorporating this into your morning and evening routine will leave your skin clean, hydrated, and ready for the next steps in your regimen.

Autumn Skincare Product Recommendation #4: Stem Cell Gel Moisturizer

Stem Cell Gel Moisturizer is a lightweight yet deeply hydrating product that works perfectly during autumn. Its gel-based formula ensures that your skin stays hydrated without feeling heavy, making it a versatile moisturizer for daily use.

Supports: This moisturizer supports skin hydration by reinforcing the skin’s natural barrier function, helping to lock in moisture even as temperatures drop and the air becomes drier. The stem cell extracts also support skin regeneration, maintaining a fresh and youthful appearance.

Promotes: It promotes a plump, smooth complexion by delivering intense hydration that helps prevent the dryness and flakiness commonly associated with cooler weather. This moisturizer promotes long-lasting moisture retention, keeping your skin supple and nourished throughout the day.

How To Use: Apply Stem Cell Gel Moisturizer after cleansing and applying any serums. Its lightweight texture allows it to absorb quickly, making it suitable for both daytime and nighttime use.

Autumn Skincare Product Recommendation #3: Collagen Beauty Drink

For an internal approach to skincare, a Collagen Beauty Drink provides support from within. As the skin’s collagen production naturally slows down with age, consuming collagen can help maintain skin elasticity and hydration, especially during the drying autumn months.

Supports: This beauty drink supports skin elasticity and hydration from the inside out. Collagen is a key protein that helps maintain the structural integrity of the skin, and regular consumption can help support the skin’s ability to retain moisture, which is vital during the cooler months.

Promotes: It promotes a more youthful, radiant complexion by supporting collagen production, which in turn helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This product also promotes overall skin resilience, which can be compromised during seasonal transitions.

Tip: Incorporating a Collagen Beauty Drink into your daily routine can provide internal support for your skin, complementing your topical skincare regimen.

Autumn Skincare Product Recommendation #2: Water Cream

Water Cream is another excellent option for maintaining skin hydration during autumn. Its unique, lightweight texture ensures that it provides deep hydration without leaving a greasy residue, making it perfect for layering under makeup or using on its own.

Supports: This cream supports optimal hydration by delivering water-based moisture to the skin’s deeper layers. Its formula helps reinforce the skin’s ability to retain moisture, an important factor as the weather becomes colder and drier.

Promotes: It promotes a dewy, fresh appearance by keeping the skin hydrated throughout the day. The Water Cream also promotes a balanced complexion, reducing the risk of dry patches or excessive oiliness that can occur during seasonal transitions.

How To Use: Apply Water Cream as the final step in your morning skincare routine to lock in moisture and keep your skin hydrated throughout the day. Its lightweight formula makes it an ideal choice for both day and night use.

Autumn Skincare Product Recommendation #1: Embody Sun Gummy

Even though autumn may bring cooler temperatures, it’s important to continue protecting your skin from UV damage. embody Sun Gummy offers a delicious and convenient way to support your skin’s defenses against UV exposure.

Supports: These gummies support your body’s ability to protect against the effects of UV damage. Ingredients like antioxidants help neutralize free radicals caused by sun exposure, which can lead to premature aging and skin damage even during cooler months.

Promotes: embody Sun Gummy promotes healthier skin by helping to maintain its natural glow and resilience in the face of environmental stressors like sun and wind exposure. By incorporating antioxidants, it also promotes overall skin health by fighting oxidative stress.

Tip: Incorporating the Embody Sun Gummy into your daily routine provides added support for maintaining skin health, especially when paired with traditional sun protection methods like sunscreen. Take 2 gummies daily, once a day or as recommended by your physician. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should I moisturize my skin in autumn?
A: It’s generally recommended to moisturize twice a day—in the morning and at night. If your skin feels extra dry, you may want to incorporate hydrating serums and moisturizers throughout the day.

Q: Can I skip sunscreen in autumn?
A: No, sunscreen is still necessary in autumn. While the sun may not feel as intense, UV rays can still cause damage to your skin. Wearing sunscreen daily may help protect against premature aging and sun damage.

Q: Should I change my cleanser for autumn?
A: Yes, switching to a more hydrating, creamy cleanser in autumn can help preserve your skin’s moisture barrier and prevent it from becoming dry and tight.

Q: What’s the best way to prevent dry, chapped lips in autumn?
A: To prevent chapped lips, use a hydrating lip balm containing ingredients like shea butter or beeswax. Reapply throughout the day, especially when spending time outdoors.

Q: How can I keep my skin hydrated when using indoor heating?
A: Indoor heating can dry out the air, leading to drier skin. Using a humidifier in your home can help add moisture back into the air, keeping your skin hydrated while you stay warm.

Keep Your Skin Looking Wonderfully Healthy This Fall Season!

Autumn is a beautiful season, but it can present challenges when it comes to keeping your skin hydrated and healthy. By adjusting your skincare routine to include more hydrating products, protecting your skin from environmental stressors, and nourishing your skin from within, you can maintain a radiant, glowing complexion throughout the cooler months. With the right care, your skin will not only survive autumn’s drying effects but thrive with the change in seasons. And remember, consistency is key in any skincare regimen, and using high-quality products like those from Forever Beaumore can help ensure your skin stays healthy and hydrated year-round.


  1. Thompson, L., et al. (2021). Seasonal Skincare: Adapting Your Routine for Cooler Weather. Journal of Dermatological Research.
  2. Davis, K. (2020). Hydration and the Skin Barrier: A Comprehensive Guide. Skin Science Review.
  3. Johnson, A. (2019). The Role of Moisturizers in Maintaining Skin Health. Journal of Cosmetic Science.

Disclaimer: **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Talk to your doctor before use if you have a medical condition, are pregnant, or nursing. 

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