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Sleep. Young Woman Sleeping In Bed.

Does Beauty Sleep Actually Work? What the Science Says + How to Optimize Your Sleep Routine

Daydreaming about beauty sleep? Make it a reality with a few tweaks to your bedtime routine.

Does beauty sleep give you a luminous morning complexion, or is it just another fairytale myth? Beauty sleep is a term used to describe a radiant, refreshed, youthful glow after waking up, and as it turns out, there’s science to back this concept up. 

While we sleep, our bodies undergo a series of regenerative biological tasks, from cellular turnover to releasing hormones and proteins.

Conversely, when monkey mind has us bouncing from thought to thought, or we toss and turn until the alarm blares, our weariness shows up on our face via dark circles and puffy skin. 

In this guide, Forever Beaumore decodes the science of sleep and how to optimize your sleep hygiene to wake up with a fresh complexion every day.


Woman sleeping in bedroom


What Exactly is Beauty Sleep?

Have you ever woken up feeling refreshed and seen a dewy, glowing face reflected back at you in the mirror? If so, you likely experienced a solid night of beauty sleep.

Beauty sleep is usually a result of a few factors, including getting 7-9 hours of sleep. This essential window gives your skin time to restore and repair overnight, and undo the damage accumulated during the day.

If you’re struggling to truly embrace the concept of beauty sleep, don’t worry; you’re not alone! Yes, tired sleep is a thing.  😴 According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 24% of Americans don’t wake up feeling well-rested (1). 

Fortunately, there are some hacks to help you heal and amp up your sleep routine to give your skin the jumpstart it needs each morning.


How Does Sleep Shape Your Skin?

If we’re stressed or feeling down, we can usually hide it. One thing we can’t hide, however, is poor sleep, which shows up in dark circles and the dreaded, “you look tired” comments from coworkers. 🙄We’ve all been there.

While we sleep, our skin switches into regeneration mode. Our skin experiences enhanced blood flow of vital oxygen and nutrients to shed and repair dead skin cells and regenerate new ones. 

During daylight hours, our skin is exposed to environmental triggers like UV rays, makeup, sweat, oils, and debris. But beauty sleep goes beyond the surface.

Collagen is the skin protein that gives our complexion a youthful firmness. But did you know that collagen and sleep share a unique relationship? Your body produces collagen while you sleep, which means that poor sleep, or sleep deprivation, can disrupt collagen production.

And that’s not all poor sleep does to your body…

One study found that individuals who slept less than a full eight hours every night woke up more dehydrated (2). Lack of sleep can lead to a slew of skin woes, including:

  • Dark circles

  • Droopy eyelids

  • Wrinkles, crow’s feet, and fine lines

  • Swollen or puffy eyes

  • Pale skin

The upside? A few switches to your sleep hygiene can make all the difference.


Happy Woman Waking up after Good Sleeping

3 Steps to Optimize Your Beauty Sleep Routine

Ready to finally wake up bright eyed and refreshed? Here’s what we recommend:

  1. Set a consistent sleep schedule

The cardinal rule of getting a good night of beauty sleep? Get enough sleep. Experts recommend we get 7-9 hours of sleep each night (3). Regarding your complexion, burning the midnight oil can damage the skin barrier and accelerate the signs of aging.

To prioritize your beauty sleep, set a dedicated sleep schedule that you stick to each night. Try to swap out screen time for sleep-supportive activities like reading or journaling. You may also want to use room darkening curtains or a sleep mask to block out blue light. 

  1. Power down with a nightly skincare routine

Experts say that an overactive mind can disrupt sleep and lead to insomnia (4). One of the best ways to power down the brain is to follow a nightly skincare routine.

Repetitive routines can help calm anxiety and signal our brains it’s time to go to wind down. When it comes to your skin, there’s no better routine than the one you stick to. 

We can certainly get behind a morning shed TikTok video in which creators “shed” all of their hair and skincare products worn overnight. But you certainly don’t need a full skincare counter complete with morning shed products to set your skin up for a great morning.

Keep it simple by following these easy steps:

  1. Fasten your hair back with a silky headband to free up your face for cleansing.

  2. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser like our Age Defense Cleansing Gel to purify the day’s grime from your pores.

  3. Use retinol to boost cellular turnover while you sleep and wake up with brighter, bouncier skin. Our go-to? The delicious embody Retinol gummy is packed with vitamins, including vitamin A (retinyl acetate), C, D3, and more, to stave off dull skin and unlock your glowiest skin yet.

  4. Hydrate with a restorative night cream like our Intense Repairing Cream, a potent anti-aging cream formulated with skin-loving ceramides that deeply penetrate and nourish the skin barrier. Lactic and glycolic acids help foster cell turnover and collagen production.

Tired eyes and sagging skin? Not with this beauty sleep routine which will have you catching Zzz’s instead of counting sheep.

  1. Try sleeping on your back

Side sleepers might struggle with this one, but smushing your skin against a rough pillowcase for hours on end can lead to more wrinkles – especially on our face and chest. 

While the initial switch-up might feel like a curveball, you can train yourself to sleep on your back. And if the idea is a no-go (relatable), swap out your pillowcase for a silky soft, satin one to invite beauty sleep without short-circuiting your sleep routine.


Embrace Sweet Dreams – and Radiant Skin – with Forever Beaumore

If there’s one thing you take away from this article, let it be this: Beauty sleep is real. 

Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, and when you give your body the blissful rest it deserves, it shows up in all sorts of gorgeous ways, including glowing, youthful, well-rested skin.

Looking to optimize your sleep routine with wellness solutions and trusted skincare products that’ll help you wake up radiant and ready for anything? Forever Beaumore has you covered.


  1. AASM Sleep Prioritization Survey Waking up Feeling Well-Rested. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2023.

  2. Rosinger, Asher Y, et al. “Short Sleep Duration Is Associated with Inadequate Hydration: Cross-Cultural Evidence from US and Chinese Adults.” Sleep, vol. 42, no. 2, 5 Nov. 2018,,

  3. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. “How Sleep Works - How Much Sleep Is Enough? | NHLBI, NIH.”, 24 Mar. 2022,

  4. Jerath, Ravinder, et al. “Self-Regulation of Breathing as an Adjunctive Treatment of Insomnia.” Frontiers in Psychiatry, vol. 9, no. 780, 29 Jan. 2019,

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