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How to Brighten Dull Skin: 11 Easy Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin Naturally

Say goodbye to tired, dull skin with our trusted tips for igniting your inner glow.

We’ve all been there, patting and pinching our cheeks in the mirror, widening our eyes, trying to make our skin bounce and glow. 🧖‍♀️ Fact is, dull, tired skin that lacks radiance becomes the norm as we age. Life, responsibilities, adulting, it all takes its toll. It’s no wonder we get hung up on how to brighten dull skin.

Thankfully, a few tweaks to your daily routine (both inside and out) will go a long way to rev up your glow-factor.

Ready to ditch lackluster skin and say hello to a healthy, more vibrant complexion? The first step in understanding how to brighten dull skin is to identify the root cause.

Why Does My Skin Look Dull? 6 Causes of Dull Skin

Imagine your skin at its best: soft, supple, glowing, and full of life. 

Now picture the opposite: a complexion that looks tired, flat, and lacking that healthy radiance -- that's dull skin, and it's a common concern for many.

So what’s to blame for your skin woes? There are a few culprits:

  1. Dead skin cells can build up and disrupt cellular regeneration, your skin’s natural process of swapping out damaged, old tissue with new tissue
  2. Pollution, debris, and climate can trigger external stress on your skin barrier
  3. Natural skin oils, product buildup, and sweat can accumulate and cause skin buildup
  4. Dehydration, lack of moisture, and nutritional deficiencies can drain color and result in a flat, almost grey skintone
  5. Lack of sleep and stress (more on that in a minute)
  6. Tobacco and alcohol can prohibit collagen production and increase oxidative stress on a cellular level, advancing signs of aging

If we’re constantly battling so many elements, can you reverse dull skin? With a few handy tricks, absolutely!


How to Brighten Dull Skin: 11 Easy Steps for Complete Rejuvenation

Time to tackle the question that brought you here: How do you brighten dull skin? Follow these 11 tips to transform your complexion from dull to dazzling!

1. Choose cool water

One of the easiest fixes is to avoid hot water, which can strip away lubricating skin oils and trigger redness and irritation. So, next time you suds up your face, opt for a lukewarm rinse.

2. Always cleanse

We get it — washing your face after a long day feels like a chore. But throughout the day, dirt, oil, and buildup clogs your pores and can make your skin look dull.

Cleanse in the morning and before bed to wake up to a brighter complexion.

3. Exfoliate regularly

You might assume that moisturizer is enough to improve dull skin. While it’s certainly important, moisture alone doesn’t slough off dead skin cells.

All you need is a washcloth, gentle exfoliant, or scrub to revitalize your skin. Start with a weekly exfoliation and bump up to 2-3 times a week if your skin allows.

4. Hydrate with serums 

When skin rejuvenation is in order, face serums answer the call. Their highly concentrated ingredients absorb rapidly into your skin for an instant moisture boost.

  • Vitamin C and Niacinamide (B3) have potent antioxidants to repair collagen-loss and damage from free radicals, while Vitamin C brightens and smooths hyperpigmentation.
  • Hyaluronic acid is a dull skin rescuer, locking in moisture by binding water to your complexion. 

Talk about a powerful trio!

5. Always wear SPF 

That giant, blazing star can give us a gorgeous sun-kissed glow, but it also strips our skin of the essential fatty acids it needs to shine. To reap the benefits of UV rays, shield with SPF 30 or higher every day.

Why stop there? Our embody Sun Gummy is your SPF’s BFF, boosting collagen for a glow that’s as radiant as the sun. ☀️

6. Supplement for collagen 

As we age, our bodies make less collagen, the bouncy, fibrous protein that makes our skin look oh-so youthful. Collagen supplements are perfect if you want a solution for how to brighten dull skin that’s backed by science.

Forever Beaumore’s Premium Collagen Beauty Drink is formulated with Japanese technology that doubles the absorption rate and collagen volume. Dull skin? We don’t know her anymore.

Screenshot of a review for Premium Collagen Beauty Drink from Angela M.

Source: Forever Beaumore reviewer, Angela M.

7. Cut back on alcohol and smoking

Who doesn’t love a happy hour margarita? Problem is, alcohol is a notorious skin dehydrator, draining the necessary moisture for a bright, healthy appearance. Combine that with smoking, which speeds up aging, and you’ve got a Molotov cocktail for your skin. 

Our rule of thumb? Sip water in between cocktails to stay hydrated. 

8. Eat a nutrient-rich diet

Foods rich in fatty acids, like walnuts, flaxseed, salmon, and fish, ramp up cell production, and as a result, plump up your skin’s appearance.

Antioxidant-rich foods like berries, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, and tomatoes combat skin inflammation and form a shield against free radicals in your skin’s barrier.

If your skin’s looking extra meh lately, grab a handful of nuts and berries or bake a salmon filet for dinner. Your skin will thank you.

9. Indulge in a weekly face mask

Weekly face masks don’t just revitalize your skin; they’re good for the soul, too. Plus, they’re a great way to tackle immediate skin concerns.

On your next Target run, look for facial masks rich in antioxidants, shea butter, or hyaluronic acid. 

10. Prioritize a Zen sleep routine

Let’s say you follow all our advice, stock up on dull skin treatments, and read every article on how to brighten dull skin, yet spend every night tossing and turning. Your skin likely won’t brighten up. Why? Because cells regenerate – you guessed it – while you sleep.

If counting sheep isn’t cutting it, regulate your circadian rhythm with:

  • A calming sound app or white noise machine
  • Melatonin supplements (be sure to consult your doctor first)
  • An eye mask to block out light
  • No screens an hour before bed

11. Fortify and Hydrate With Wellness and Skincare

The cornerstone of healthy skin is a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, mindfulness, and healthy lifestyle habits will all foster skin that glows from within. And while aging is a beautiful gift, we don’t always want it on full display.

That’s why we created our time-honored blend of brightening beauty products combining traditional ingredients with modern technology.

Our bestselling Collagen Beauty Cream combats environmental pollutants to protect and repair dull skin.

Prefer to savor your skincare? Our fan favorite embody Retinol Gummy supercharges collagen production, evens your skin tone, and leaves you glowing. They’re a treat for your skin and your tastebuds!


Awaken Your Glow With Forever Beaumore!

Want to master how to brighten dull skin? Your journey starts here.

Shop our regenerative dull skin treatments, beauty drinks, and skincare gummies to embrace happy, healthy, youthful skin! 


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Talk to your doctor before use if you have a medical condition, are pregnant, or nursing.

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