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Skincare During Pregnancy

Skincare During Pregnancy

Oh, you’re pregnant? Cue the (deserved) paranoia. Suddenly you’re thinking about everything you touch, everything you eat, and every product you use. 

No cold cuts. No sushi. Obviously no alcohol.

Did you know you pretty much have to watch all the organic stuff too, since the stuff you eat or drink has to be pasteurized? We get it, it’s a lot of work.

But wait, there’s more. All the mommy hormones pumping through your body, causing mood swings and random food aversions (why do eggs suddenly disgust you?), are also messing with your skin. Hormonal acne is sadly a common issue pregnant women struggle with. Bye bye pregnancy glow, hello pregnancy pimples. 

Your skincare routine can’t be exactly the same when you’re pregnant. You have to be careful with what kind of skincare products you use when you're pregnant. 

Today we’re going to cover the dos and don’ts of skincare while pregnant. Take a deep breath mama, we’ll figure this out together!

Skin brighteners and serums are safe for pregnancy as long as its vitamin C

Do: Use serums that are vitamin C based, it’s a great antioxidant that is proven to help increase brightness of the skin by inhibiting melanin production, making it great for fighting dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

Don’t: Products with hydroquinone are absorbed into the body at a very high rate. While it hasn’t been proven to actually be unsafe it’s better to be safe than sorry and avoid if possible.

Be careful when picking toners while being pregnant

Do: Avoid high strength AHAs, lower strength AHAs are safe for pregnancy so long as you’re using products with 2% or lower concentration.

Don't:  Products with alpha hydroxy acid (AHAs) are a common ingredient in toners, but during pregnancy these are best to avoid in high concentrations.

Find gentle cleansers

Do: Keep it simple and find a gentle cleanser that has hyaluronic acid or vitamin C. You may need to use an oil-free makeup remover or cleansing balm to get tough makeup off before going in with your cleanser. 

Don’t: Use products that have salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or retinol.


Do: Find a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and plumps your skin by drawing water to it. HA is a natural substance found in your body that can hold up to 1,000x its weight in water!

Don’t: Use products that have parabens, fragrance or formaldehyde as they can easily be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Acne Products

Do: Find products that have glycolic acid, which is a better, more gentle alternative to things like retinol or benzoyl peroxide.

Don’t: Use retinol products or high strength benzoyl peroxides. We do not recommend using the Retinol Gummy during pregnancy.  

What ingredients to avoid in skincare for pregnancy

There are a few ingredients overall that you don’t want in any of your skincare routine during pregnancy which include the following:

Aluminum Chloride

Where it's usually found: Often found in deodorants, collagen creams and moisturizers.

High concentration AHAs

Where it's usually found: Exfoliants, night creams, and toners. AHAs are used in skincare products for enlarged pores, helping with dark spots and scars, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Now with AHAs, they can actually be ok for pregnancy in smaller doses (2% or lower) they might not be as effective but that amount won't be harmful.

Benzoyl Peroxide 

Where it's usually found: Any acne treatment products.

There are mixed opinions (and a lack of irrefutable proof) about benzoyl peroxide being unsafe for pregnancy.

We tend to be on the side of caution. If your acne is out of control and you feel like you have to do something, only consider benzoyl peroxide in small doses and low concentrations. 


Where it's usually found: Tanning sprays.

With the amount of absorption into the bloodstream, it's best to stay away from tanning sprays while pregnant.


Where it's usually found: Nail polishes, anti-aging serums, lotions and lactic acid treatments.

Again, this one is a big no no because of the absorption factor into the bloodstream. 


Where it's usually found: In products that help fight uneven tones, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation.


Where it's usually found: Preservative to help increase the shelf life in beauty products, keep an eye out for parabens in all kinds of beauty products like lotions, makeup etc.


Where it's usually found:  Acne treatments, any retinol product.

Too much vitamin A can cause birth defects, so avoid retinols, retinyls, and all vitamin A derivatives during pregnancy.

The Retinol Gummy is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.


It might seem a bit overwhelming when it comes to watching what ingredients are in your skincare routine during pregnancy, but rest easy knowing that it’s just a temporary change.  

When your little is finally here, come visit us again. We’ll help you get the glow you were *supposed* to get a few months ago. 

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